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Research-Based Reading Program
You'd like to teach your child to read, but you'd also like to know it's based on tried and true techniques (even research-based, if possible)! That way you'll have the best chance of success. First, the proven techniques of rhyming, blending, & segmenting are featured heavily (ref: Table of Contents).  Example: Chapter 1 - "bat", "cat", "hat", "sat" & "mat".
Sounds workable, but how is it research-based? Well, from 1997-1999 Congress convened a very large research-based study, called the National Reading Panel - in order to determine how children learn best to read! Their conclusion: systematic phonics (ref: 2nd set of bullet points under Topic Areas). But, what is that? Let's break it down. Phonics is a reading program based on (1) knowing the letter-sounds and (2) putting those sounds together. And a system needs to be both organized & thorough (in order to get the job done).  

Well, let's examine our book/s on both fronts: phonics and a system. First of all, as you've already seen in the Table of Contents, we are all about the letter-sounds and putting those sounds together (with our letter-sound pages and reading pages) in Section 1.
Secondly, we pride ourselves on being both organized & thorough in our approach. For instance, we've organized all of our reading books via Short Vowels in Section 1, followed by Long Vowels & Blends in Section 2.
We've also taken great pains to research the types of blended sounds prevalent in our great language, and made sure to include them! Don't forget, our signature page design promotes student engagement and parental involvement. So, let's get started walking your non-reader/s to reader/s.
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